Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Contrasting Sonnets 18 and 116 by William Shakespeare Essay

The two poems I will be comparing and contrasting in this essay are two of William Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets. Sonnets numbered 18, ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and 116, ‘Let me not.’ Both of these poems deal with the subject of love but each poem deals with its subject matter in a slightly different manner. Each also has a different audience and purpose. In the case of ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ the audience is meant to be the person Shakespeare is writing the sonnet about. Its purpose is to tell the person it’s written about how the speaker feels about them. In the case of ‘Let me not’ the audience is anyone who wishes to read it. Its purpose is to introduce what love should be like. This makes ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ much more personal and realistic as a poem about love. ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ seems to deal more with the idea of a lover rather than the idea of a relationship, as ‘Let me not’ does. ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ deals with the idea of a perfect lover and the fading beauty of both women and the seasons. ‘Let me not’ is about ideal love in its most perfect and purest form. In ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Shakespeare describes a lover ‘more temperate’ than a summer’s day. Shakespeare asserts the opinion that the beauty of summer is nothing compared to this perfect human being. In the poem Shakespeare deals with the fading beauty of this perfect human being and lover. Shakespeare expresses the sentiment that even though outer beauty fades inner beauty (‘eternal summer’) will not fade. The perfect lover’s beauty will not fade because she has been immortalised in a sonnet. ‘So long live this, (sonnet) and this gives life to thee.’ In ‘Let me not’ Shakespeare vocalises the perfect love that does not alter ‘when it alteration finds.’ It is a ‘marriage of true minds’ two like minded people joined in a relationship built on understanding and trust. In both sonnets Shakespeare uses a lyrical and narrative method to convey his points. Also the tone in each is a loving one, although ‘Let me not’ has a slightly more didactic tone. Shakespeare believes so completely in this perfect love that if he is proved wrong he must take back all his writing. Even goes so far as to say that if it is not true then no man has ever  really loved. As both of these poems are sonnets they follow a set form. Three four line stanzas followed by one set of rhyming couplets. This style is known as the Shakespearean sonnet form. Each line in every stanza is of a similar length, and it is similar in style to all of Shakespeare’s sonnets. This gives it a regular and controlled rhythm with enjambment. Especially in ‘Let me not’ on line 2 leading onto line 3. It is orderly in structure, which in my opinion goes very well with the subject matter of the sonnets. ‘Let me not’ describes love as ‘ever-fixed’ and ‘never shaken.’ The only thing to break this rhythm is at the end, the rhyming couplet. Shakespeare uses the couplet to reiterate the point he is making in the last two lines. Both sonnets follow the same rhyme scheme. It is also a very simple rhyme scheme A B B A, C D D C, E F F E, G G. This rhyme scheme is in keeping with many of the other sonnets, following the Shakespearea n sonnet form. There is plenty of imagery in both of these sonnets. In ‘Shall I compare thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Shakespeare uses the image of time and the changing of the seasons to show the coming of old age, or rather the loss of youth and beauty. Shakespeare starts off by getting his speaker to ask a rhetorical question to his lover. Shall I compare thee? He is almost asking his audience if this is the right comparison he is making. In the second line of the first stanza he makes up his mind that this comparison is not nearly good enough. Summer is by far the loveliest season and even that pales in comparison to this perfect lover. The reason for this is simply that ‘sommers lease hath all too short a date.’ Summer will fade away quickly but the perfect lover will stay beautiful for longer. Because Shakespeare describes this lover as being more temperate than summer he is free to explain how. She is not affected by her splendour as summer is affected by its. The magnificence of summer is overwhelmed by the intensity of the sun’s light. In this sonnet Shakespeare is saying how summer is too brief, and so are youth and beauty. ‘Every faire from faire sometimes declines.’ The repetition of the word faire is used to signify it’s two meanings within the context of the poem. The first is its simple meaning, a  fair day, clear and beautiful. The secondary meaning is the deeper meaning, a fair woman. This second meaning of faire is used to indicate that beauty will one day fade away too like summer does every year. Shakespeare addresses the idea of fading beauty in the third stanza. ‘But thy eternal summer shall not fade.’ Her internal beauty will not leave her, though her external beauty might. She will not grow old or ugly as she has been immortalised in poetry. She will forever be remembered, as she is in this poem in its ‘eternal lines.’ The rhyming couplet at the end of the sonnet summarises the whole poem and finalises it. The summers sun dims and fades away, but the life and beauty of the subject of this poem will be eternal. In ‘Let me not’ the imagery is mainly concerned with unmoving and unchangeable love. The sonnet describes how true love will not change to fit in with circumstance, nor when face with a uncertain situation will it cease. It is described as not being ‘Time’s fool,’ love is not at the mercy of time nor subject to change. Shakespeare describes it as ‘an ever fixed mark,’ that watches storms yet is unmoving. A love that is like a star guiding people. This love described is like a beacon shinning out to all the lost soul trying to find their way back. Love can only be measure to a small degree, but we still do not fully understand it. I believe that what Shakespeare is trying to say is that love’s worth will forever remain a mystery. In the final two lines Shakespeare, one again, uses the rhyming couplet to summarise the sonnet. He is so sure of this ever-fixed mark that he is willing to stake his writing on it. He is even prepared to claim that if this love does not exist then no one has ever really loved.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Globalization and Accountability Essay

A better quality of life has been the objective of societies and nations. This has been pursued since the ancient times to the present. About one hundred years before the Trojan wars, Minos, mythical son of Zeus, organized a communal society in the island of Crete. For centuries, universal justice and virtue reigned in the island. Conditions were similar to the fabulous Shangrila of the Lost Horizon. It was like a paradise for the people. They contributed their individual ideas, talents, skills, and labor to the community for its development, and for he good of all its members. The needs of the people were justly supplied, and they were happy and contented. Plato, the Greek philosopher, designed an ideal state in his book, The Republic. He proposed common ownership of properties as a general rule. The concept of equality of Plato was further improved by Christian doctrines. However, more active and courageous social reformers emerged into the limelight during the age of Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. Rousseau, Fourier, Bentham, Owen and Marx were the more prominent among them. They stressed the social aspects of the national order, such as cooperation, perfectibility of human nature, and other human virtues. The clamor for equality was not only political but also economic and social. The abuses of the capitalists and landlords, and the great disparities in income and wealth were the primary targets of reformers. The aforementioned economic and social problems still pervade in many developing countries. Throughout the history of the development of nations, only very few have become rich, such as those in North America and Western Europe. Most of the poor countries are found in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In terms of goods and services, the gap between the poor and the rich countries has become wider and wider. In view of the presence of modern transportation and communication, leaders of the poor countries have seen the tremendous prosperity of the rich countries. As a result, people from poor countries have developed the tendency to emulate the rich countries- their economies, technologies, ways of life, and even the architecture of their houses and buildings. However, some intellectuals have realized the disadvantage of such colonial mentality. They have crusaded for economic nationalism to free their countries from the exploitations of the rich counties- and from the weaknesses of their own people. Industrialization has been their dream of solving their persistent problems like poverty, insecurity, and excess population. Even Nehru of India claimed that real progress must ultimately depend on industrialization. Every nation, rich or poor, has economic problems. However, these are more serious and widespread in poor countries. Economic problems do exist because of two fundamental facts: resources are limited and human wants are unlimited. Human wants cannot possibly be all satisfied because resources are scarce. For example, every family wants a house and a farm. This is not possible in many countries, especially in less developed countries. In fact, most countries cannot even meet the most basic needs of their people like food, clothing, and shelter. In the case of the United States of America, the people are capable of satisfying their essential needs. If some groups cannot, it is the government that provides them with basic goods and services. Welfare programs and other social security benefits are made available to the less fortunate, and to the aged. But still, rich countries have economic problems. People, human as they are, are not ultimately satisfied with the consumption of basic goods only. Naturally, they aspire for a higher standard of living. And it is the responsibility of the economic system to help the people acquire it. The economic system of any nation has different factors that are being considered in order to establish and open greater economic opportunities (Soros, 2002). Globalization The remarkable progress in communication and transportation has exposed the high standard of living of a globalized nation. Through foreign travels, periodicals, and movies the peoples of the less developed countries have seen the many wonderful and modern things which have been created by an industrial society like the United States of America, France or Japan. In contrast, many leaders of the third world countries have realized the big difference in their still primitive products of development. Thus, their impressions of a globalized and industrialized economy have further improved. Henceforth, there has been a strong clamor among many of the third world countries for globalization. For years, this has been their aspiration. Through globalization, they believe they can eliminate the problems of poverty, insecurity, and overpopulation. No less than the great Indian statesman Nehru said that real progress must ultimately depend on globalization (Thompson & Strickland, 2003). However, globalization or globalizing a less developed country is certainly not an easy task. There are great obstacles along the long path of globalization. It is not only massive capital, modern technology, competent management, and skilled labor that are required. Well developed commercial sectors are also needed. And of course, the most important requirement for globalization is the restructuring of values and institutions in society. In spite of the formidable barriers to globalized development, it is not completely impossible for a less developed country to globalized economy. There were several poor nations which became industrial economies. They were able to conquer an almost impossible dream through a vigorous and sincere implementation of economic, social, and political reforms. Former countries like England, Germany and the United States of America met fewer difficulties in globalizing their economies because of most favorable economic and political conditions. There are several processes being followed in terms of modern growth brought about by the system and principle of globalization. It must be noted that globalization among the developed countries did not happen overnight. Prior to their globalization, they experience various changes and improvement. The following are the most notable: 1. Economic, social, and political institutions were restructured to pave the way towards globalization and industrialization. 2. There was a rapid technological improvement. 3. Factors of production like capital, labor, and entrepreneurial scheme were made to be more responsive to globalization and industrialization. 4. Substantial improvement in transportation, communication, and electrification were undertaken. 5. Social facilities and services were increased. 6. Agricultural and commercial industries became variable. The aforementioned developments were greatly responsible in the globalization of the highly developed countries. Clearly, their economic growths did not go through a quick and easy process. They laid down the foundation of their industrial development. Such experiences of the industrial countries should provide a lesson to less developed countries that are aiming for rapid globalization and industrialization. However, there are some countries that have achieved very rapid industrial growth. But the other sectors of their economy have not developed as fast as their industries. For instance, there have been no appropriate changes in some industries such as the agricultural industries, public administration, social structure and values among other things and industries. But then again, it can be seen that there is more rooms for globalization even if it means that other industries are left behind. Moreover, there has been a great need for private sectors to be improved and flourished in order for globalization to push through. As far as the economics is concerned, the big challenge is poverty, and the surest route to sustained poverty reduction is economic growth. Growth requires good economic policies. The evidence strongly supports the conclusion that growth requires a policy framework that prominently includes an orientation towards integration into the global economy. This places obligations on three groups: those who are most responsible for the operation of the international economy, primarily the governments of the developed countries; those who determine the intellectual climate, which includes this audience but also government and non-government organizations and individuals; and the government of the developing countries who bear the major responsibility for economic policy in their countries. Economic globalization, the ongoing process of greater economic interdependence among countries, is reflected in the increasing amount of cross-border trade in goods and services, the increasing volume of international financial flows, and increasing flows of labor. As is well known to our profession, economic globalization thrived in the period before 1914, but was set back by the two World Wars and the Great Depression. 6 The international financial order that was established at the end of World War II sought to restore the volume of world trade, and by 1973, world trade as a percentage of world GDP was back to its 1913 level – and it has continued to grow almost every year since. While the founders of the Bretton Woods system saw the restoration of trade in goods and services as essential to the recovery of the global economy, they did not have the same benign view of capital flows. Nonetheless, capital flows among the industrialized countries did recover during the 1950s, and intensified in the 1960s. Rapidly they became too powerful for the pegged exchange rate system to survive, and by 1973, as a result of the impossible trinity – of a pegged exchange rate, capital mobility, and a monetary policy directed at domestic objectives – the Bretton Woods adjustable peg system had to give way to flexible exchange rates among the major countries. Capital flows to developing countries grew more slowly. In the late 1970s and early 1980s they consisted mainly of bank loans; by the 1990s they took the form mainly of foreign direct investment and purchases of marketable securities. And as the volume of international capital flows to and from the emerging market countries – the more developed and larger developing countries – increased, the impossible trinity once again asserted itself, and in a series of crises, country after country was forced to give up its pegged exchange rate and allow the currency to float. By now, the gross volume of international capital flows relative to global GDP far exceeds the levels reached in the period just before 1913, though net flows of foreign direct investment have not yet attained the extraordinary levels of the decade before World War I. It is generally believed that with respect to migration and labor flows the modern system is less globalized than it was a century ago. In 1911, nearly 15 percent of the United States population was foreign born; today that number is probably a bit above 10 percent. Emigration rates from Europe, especially Ireland and Italy, were amazing: 14 percent of the Irish population emigrated in the 1880s, and over 10 percent of the Italian population emigrated in the first decade of the twentieth century. Jeffrey Williamson (2002) attributes a significant part of the convergence of income levels in the Atlantic economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to mass migration. Whether or not migration and labor flows are greater now than they were a century ago, we are becoming more globalized in this regard too, for migration rates have been rising – and in a potentially important way, for more migration than in the past is from less to more developed countries. All this is at an abstract level. In terms of people’s daily lives, globalization means that the residents of one country are more likely now than they were fifty years ago: to consume the products of another country; to invest in another country; to earn income from other countries; to talk on the telephone to people in other countries; to visit other countries; to know that they are being affected by economic development in other countries; and to know about developments in other countries. Globalization is much more than an economic phenomenon. The technological and political changes that drive the process of economic globalization have massive noneconomic consequences. In the words of Anthony Giddens, a leading sociologist: â€Å"I would have no hesitation in saying that globalization, as we are experiencing it, is in many respects not only new, but also revolutionary. Globalization is political, technological and cultural, as well as economic. The non-economic aspects are at least as important in shaping the international debate as are the economic aspects. Many of those who object to globalization resent the political and military dominance of the United States, and they resent also the influence of foreign – predominantly American – culture, as they see it at the expense of national and local cultures. The technological elements matter in practice as well as in the debate. For instance, the events of September 11, 2001 could not have taken place before the current global era. The communications and transport systems that have accelerated the pace of globalization are also at the disposal of terrorists, money- launderers, and international criminals. On the positive side, improvements in communications and the spread of information were critical to the collapse of the Iron Curtain. People learned what was happening in other countries, and understood that they did not have to live the way they were living, and the Iron Curtain fell. A broad range of critics is arrayed on the other side. Among them are academics, opinion leaders, individuals and groups who see their interests being affected by globalization, politicians, NGOs, and demonstrators – and these categories are not mutually exclusive. To listen to the debate in the terms each side paints the other, who believes that all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and those who believe that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. That is doubly misleading. In the first place, many of those who regard themselves as pro-globalization know that there is far too much misery in the world, that there are many wrongs to be righted in the global economy, and that it could be made to operate much better. And on the other side, many – but not all – of the critics are not against globalization. Rather, from NGOs demonstrating for further debt relief and campaigning for greater access of developing country exports to industrialized country markets, to academic critics questioning current policy views, many are seeking a better and fairer globalization.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Legal Professionals Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Professionals Report - Assignment Example Nancy B. Heller’s education can be traced back to 1978, when she graduated from the Indiana University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Forensic Studies. Ms. Heller’s stint with the legal corridors is longstanding, given that in 1999, she became a Registered Paralegal. This admission into the Registered Paralegal came about as a result of Heller having passed the Paralegal Advanced Competency Test, which is carried out under the aegis of the National Federation for Paralegal Associations. From 1999 to 2011, Ms. Heller served as an Adjutant Professor at the Capital University School of Law Paralegal Program as a lecturer of Civil Litigation, Law and Ethics Office Practice and Trial Preparation and Practice. Particularly, Ms. Heller specializes in areas such as access, summation, accurint, E-discovery and PACER. According to Kirkwood (2009), it is important to note that the prerequisites that qualify the position that Ms. Heller presently occupies are not limited to the achievements discussed above. Particularly, Ms. Heller has played immense roles in community and professional initiatives. Ms. Heller served as: the Respite caregiver for the Hospice of Columbus (1994-2001); coordinator of the Walk for justice, the Legal Aid Society, Columbus, (1993-1997); the March of Dimes for Walk-America Participant and Coordinator (1985-97); the Volunteer, Greater Columbus Arts Council (1984-97); and the Trustee, Alpha Epsilon Phi Foundation (1995-7), among others. Alongside these educational achievements and illustrious professional experience, Ms. Heller in 2010 won the prestigious Ohio Jefferson Award for Public service. The Court-Appointed Special Advocates for Franklin County (CASA) is the organ that had nominated Ms. Heller, following Heller’s advocacy for neglected and abused children, and for her vehement support of the terminally ill, while working with Zusman Community Hospice. Prior to this, Ms. Heller had been named as being among the top 15 paralegals in America, in Lessons from Leading Paralegal Experts, 2008. The foregoing shows clearly that not only is Heller’s paralegal record impeccable, but also a seasoned one, spanning from as far back as 1978. Heller was able to ascend to her current position by the virtue of being a member of the Registered Paralegal (a qualification she has held since 1999), and her educational merit and experience in the field of law. At the moment, Ms. Heller is serving: in the Editorial Advisory Panel for the Legal Assistant Today (from 1999); as the Respite caregiver of the Zusman Community Hospice (since 2004); and as the court-appointed Guardian Ad Litem for the Court-Appointed Special Advocates for Franklin County (since 1994). Heller also serves as a litigation paralegal in the Columbus offices of Sater, Vorys, Pease LLP and Seymour. To this effect, she handles class and complex litigation issues such as toxic tort, products liability, employment and commercial cases. This mea ns that the responsibilities that Heller discharges are immense, cross-organizational and multiple. Kirkwood (2009) adds that one of the incidents that served as Heller’s source of challenge occurred when Nancy B. Heller and the Vorys Legal Counsel attempted to preside over matters relating to the Cleveland’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WW2 Japan and China's war AKA the Second Sino japanese war Research Paper

WW2 Japan and China's war AKA the Second Sino japanese war - Research Paper Example The results of the war were that they were displaced from their homes and properties totaling to billions destroyed1. This paper examines into details second Sino-Japanese War and its effects. The second Sino-Japanese War origin is traced back to the incident in Manchurian which took place in September 1931. Japanese being effectively consolidated had occupied different territories and the Kwantung army went ahead to occupy Munchuria. After this, they established their puppet state In Munchuria known as Manchukuo in February 1932. The Chinese were not happy with this change, but the Japanese forced them to recognize the independence of their puppet states. They opposed this by conducting suppressed anti-Japanese activities and in the process forming an autonomous regional government in Northern China. However, the Japanese succeeds in their quest of forming puppet states because between the periods of 1933 and 1935, the Chinese people were forced through their armies to create two demilitarized autonomous areas to border their puppet state2. The break of the Second Sino-Japanese war was traced back to increased internal opposition to the Japanese government by Chinese citizens who saw that the Japanese policy of making their selves stronger before carrying out an attack was a threat to their sovereignty. In 1937, the Japanese soldiers headed for Beijing and Tainjin demanding that the Chinese soldiers were to surrender under their terms. This was because they knew that the military might of the Chinese could not match them as they were advanced weaponry. However, this did not go as planned because the Chinese clashed with the Japanese as they saw that they were slowly loosing their freedom and country to the Japanese who were foreigners in their land3. The Chinese initial response to this was to place their troops outside Shangai an area occupied by the Japanese. This act greatly agitated the Japanese as they saw this as an act of challenge to their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Time Management Portfolio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Time Management Portfolio - Research Paper Example All the subordinates are interlinked with the various resources within the organization through a process called control. They are controlled and effectively monitored to ensure smooth sailing of all organizational activities. Time management on the other hand, refers to being able to carry out all your activities, within the allocated time period. An effective time manager does not run out of time. He manages to carry out all the transactions within the stipulated time frame. It is extremely necessary for various parties and individuals to be considerable time managers. This concept ensures efficiency; it ensures effectiveness and finally enables one to be fast in carrying out activities. It reduces redundancy of tasks, enables the organization operate on a planned scope. This is necessary for management to set the various goals and standards since they all depend and rely on time. Management is a doctrine that owes its existence to the ancient professionals. The various scholars an d personalities managed to be able to develop various theories that aided and guided the discipline. From Henry Fayol, to Abraham Maslow’s, they all gave their take on the topic management. This is necessary as it has ensured that the discipline’s tangibility remains and it has constantly continued to be regarded as an art, a principle that is learnt. Like management effective time management is also a skill acquired through time. ... After organizing the events or activities, the next step is to rank them in the order of urgency. The exact initial subjects that are urgent in terms of delivery production, time they are generally required, and finally the relationship to the returns are sorted out according to the list of urgency. The next step in the time management process is to gather all the necessary resources to be able to accomplish and achieve the said tasks. These involves gathering the necessary resources in terms of materials needed, human resources needed, the respective tools needed to complete the respective tasks. Allocation of the resources to the particular organizational endeavors is the next step. They are organized and finally the next step is to carry out the activity under siege. It is necessary to plan and manage the planned time. Time as stated is a scarce resources. Time is the only factor at the disposal of various organizations that enables people to carry out their various activities wel l. It is necessary to plan for it as it ensures effectiveness in the production process, it ensures quality in the well planned products and services offered, it reduces on wastage through effective planning of all the activities and resources the aspect of wastage is reduced as all the resources must have been planned for. It enables urgent orders to be completed with ease and efficiency; it reduces delays and fines charged as a result of a late delivery. As the saying goes, time is money and planning time well various organizational activities will also be planned well. This ensures effectiveness in the operations of the organizations and creates efficiency within the system. Time Management Portfolio As defined Time Management refers to being able to carry out all your activities,

How Inflation Affected Ford Motor During the 2007-2009 Recession Essay

How Inflation Affected Ford Motor During the 2007-2009 Recession - Essay Example The damans of the machinery from FORD MOTOR decreases and hence the company cannot sustain a large number of workers. The table below shows how the recession affected the employment in FORD MOTOR and other companies in America. As a result of inflation and reduced purchasing power, the entire income raised by households is spent on necessities. As such, there is little disposable income to invest in shares. This is seen when the number of outstanding shares of the FORD MOTOR gradually increased as a result of decreased demand during the recession as shown in the table below: When real income falls below potential income due to a recession, FORD MOTOR laid-off workers, so the unemployment rate goes up and hence households earn less income. The cyclical unemployment rate increases during recessions as FORD MOTOR could not raise sufficient revenue to sustain a large number of workers.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Project - Essay Example Also known as innate needs, these are vital for the survival of an individual. Psychogenic Needs are more acquired in nature – they include the need for social belongingness, recognition and self-esteem. (Solomon, M.R., Dann, S., Dann, S. & Russell-Bennett, R. 2007). Motive, on the other hand, is an intensified need. One can argue that the reason(s) for which people are moving in numbers to the online communities and different online groups and platforms are more of an acquired nature. The internet has been successful in giving acceptance, love, and self-fulfillment as achievements to separate individuals. Every need brings along an appropriate and distinct goal into the limelight. The specific goals are often interdependent on specific variables like the person’s age, gender, experience, prevailing cultural values and norms, and the degree to which the goal is accessible in the present social setup. (Farrior M., August 2005) Social communities often help the individual to set up specific goals for themselves which might not have been possible for them to set for themselves in the real world. A person sets a goal for losing a few pounds, which he is unable to accomplish in real life. However the internet provides him with the option of being the real ‘Marlboro Man’ – lean, rugged and handsome. So it, in turn, helps him to achieve the goal of becoming accepted due to bringing up a new identity for him. (Jonathan L., 2002). Second Life goes further than the online communities, it is a virtual world, which is accessible by users online. Users develop their own avatars, or profiles, and interact with other users. They lead a complete life online – they socialize, travel, participate in activities, own and trade in commodities, and can even enjoy live music and theatre (Au, W. J., 2008)! Second Life is an online, multi-user, fully integrated,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Why I want to study fashion design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why I want to study fashion design - Essay Example This is one area that really helps me to exploit my creative urges and gives a huge satisfaction when my designs are liked by people. I have therefore decided to go for professional degree in fashion designing so that I could further explore the intricacy of the business. I believe that the degree from this college would help me to grow not only as a person but also as a professional who would be able to meet the challenges of the contemporary world. My family and friends have been the major motivating force. My passion of ethnic design and use of fusion technique in my design is my strongest point. As a child I was much enamored with the fashion magazines which use to showcase the clothes of leading fashion designers of Milan and Paris. As I grew up, I realized that while I am fascinated with the contemporary fashion designers, I am equally amazed at the variety of ethnic designs across the culture, color and nationality. The multicultural society therefore has been a very vital par t of my creativity which I believe needs to be used for exploiting my potential as a designer. In the contemporary environment of globalization, the professional degree in fashion designing would equip me with wider options to expertly exploit the opportunities and help gain a competitive advantage within the fashion industry.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that Essay

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their country.Do you agreeWhy - Essay Example One can easily identify that people immigrate to the US because they are in need of better education, living standard and opportunity. Besides, they do not feel alienated in the mainstream society of the United States because the same is a ‘melting pot’ of different cultures. Fenton states that â€Å"After the liberalization of immigration laws in 1965, these populations all grew through immigration† (29). From a different angle of view, the most important reason behind the immigration to the US is the urge to be successful in life. The people from the third world nations consider that the US society can fulfill their dreams. Besides, the acceptance shown by the US citizens towards the immigrant population is an important factor behind large scale immigration. Summing, the whole world is undergoing rapid development due to the influence of information revolution. So, the concept of international citizenship is not a myth, but reality. Those who accept the same shows interest to grab the opportunity and to lead better life. In short, the urge to lead a better life is the motivation behind the large scale immigration to the United

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

You can choose any topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You can choose any topic - Essay Example The film Real Women have Curves was directed by Patricia Cardoso and produced by George LaVoo in 2002. The film can be overly attributed to depicting the female gaze. This is evident in that the main character, Anna Garcia, displays the levels to which a female can rise if only she releases herself from the societal limitations placed on her based on gender. In the film, she goes against her family’s will of taking up employment immediately she clears high school and opts to pursue further education. Her family’s intent was to put her into employment so that she could support them. However, she disapproves of this and pursues university education at the Columbia University (Cardoso n.p.). The portrayals of Anna seek to suggest that women have the right to their choices in life, and that by ignoring the societal construction of their weakness, they can achieve as much as they dream of. One point in the film which supports the female gaze concept is that Anna’s mother thinks that it is unattractive and unacceptable of a woman to have excess weight. This is seen in that she is constantly complaining about Anna’s weight saying she will never find a suitor. Anna however despises this statement which suggests of her mother’s possession by the male gaze. She appreciates herself and does nothing to reduce her weight so as to â€Å"please men† (Berardinelli 327). Additionally, Anna is free to speak up her mind and does not care as long as it means the best for her while not disrupting anyone else. In the film, this is seen in that she openly shoots down her mother’s suggestion that she should not further her education since education is useless. In its place, her mother offers to teach her to be a good housekeeper, being a good mother, and raising children. Anna again says that she is never going to be a housewife, and that education is the best way of achieving her dreams

Monday, July 22, 2019

Computing in civil engineering proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering Essay Example for Free

Computing in civil engineering proceedings of the 2011 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering Essay Studies of construction management address the phenomena of construction problems and explore the nature of construction technology. Manufacturing technologies are categorized into mass, unit and continuous process of productions. Construction technology is classified as a unit production through contrasting construction activities and fabrications. Although the efficiency of construction technology is low in terms of unit production, it is associated with benefits such as zero stocks and flexibility. This report provides a description of materials/techniques used in the current construction of modern domestic properties, industrial unit properties, their comparison and critical analysis of the performance of building structures. It also encompasses on the principles used by builders to perform their functions, characteristics and behaviour of internal materials used in the construction. People have been looking for efficient production systems since the industrial revolution. However, most projects are still built under traditional way of one-of-a-kind production. Application of IT in construction has also failed to produce the intended results. Therefore, nature of construction technology needs to be understood more in order to explain inefficiencies that are surrounding the technology and theory that solves the construction problems (Sarkar 2008). According to Daft (2004), technology refers to the tools, machines, actions and techniques used in transforming organizational information and materials (input) into products and services (output). 1.0 Construction technology                It involves the study of construction techniques to successfully achieve the design of the structure with the recommended specifications (Sabnis, 2011). It includes temporary work and study of construction equipment needed to facilitate the construction process. The recent trend is towards constructing taller and lighter buildings. In order to achieve such buildings, sophisticated equipment needs to be employed in the construction process. 1.1 Current construction techniques/materials                The current methods of construction provide important benefits to developers and housing authorities which reduces the emphasis of on-site activity. This criterion is important particularly in the time of increasing demand of an already stretched labour force. Any new implementation of doing things is faced with risks, but such risks can be mitigated through having good planning and project management. Yvette Cooper, a planning and housing minister quoted, â€Å"people must ensure that the new homes they are constructing are affordable to the next generations. This report shows that it is easier to build cheaper and faster using modern construction techniques whilst keeping high quality of traditional methods. 1.1.1 Modern methods of construction (MMC)                Modern techniques of constructing houses developed as early as 1945 after WWII, it was used by most of the developed countries such as Germany during buildings fabrication after WWII. Later these techniques spread in many countries and they are commonly used in India during the construction process. As technology, construction knowledge and manufacturing processes increase so do the number of available methods of house construction increases to house builders. Modern Method of construction is a collection of new relatively construction techniques aimed at offering advantages over traditional methods (Altenbach, 2013). Conventionally, this is an area pioneered by self builders, mostly in terms of sustainable construction. As developers’ sticks continually to the proven construction techniques that satisfy buyer demand, self builders have been willing to research, try and invest something different so as to achieve individual homes that meet their need. In an effort of increasing housing demand, shortage of skills and the set targets by Code of sustainable homes, many governments are encouraging the house-building sector to develop and use MMC technique in an attempt to meet these challenges. Most of these modern construction techniques evolved from their traditional predecessors. Techniques such as structural insulated panels (SIPS) and thin joint systems with Air Crete blocks are part of the on going evolution of timber frame and masonry construction (Kuzio 2009). Other familiar techniques have developed in the larger scale commercial construction. This has brought alternatives with interesting qualities of house building. Development of steel frame systems and in-situ concrete techniques led to the development of insulated concrete forms (ICF). 1.1.2 Advantages of modern methods of construction Reduced impact on residents and effect of weather on production Controlled manufacture and reduced fuel consumption and disruptions as a result of fewer materials delivered. Reduced construction defects and time consumed. High quality buildings 1.1.3 Modern domestic properties 1.1.4 Illustrations                Larger construction components can be incorporated into either MMC dwellings or conventionally built. They are not full housing ‘systems,’ but they are factory made or site-assembled. This category comprises of the following components and sub-assemblies. This involves a series of assembled components and pre-fabricated ground beams to form quick and accurate foundations (Koerner 2005). These are pre-fabricated panels designed specifically for floor construction. Fewer on-site labour hours are needed per square meter of floor, and the reduced work at heights has safety and potential health benefits (Hearn 2012). It involves designed pre-fabricated panels specifically for pitched roofs. These panels are very stiff which are designed to leave the loft free of props and struts, thus allowing easy production of ‘room’ in the construction of the roof. These roof cassettes make the building become water weight more quickly than cut roof constructions or conventional trussed rafter. These are roofs assembled at ground level before the shell of the dwelling is constructed. It can be craned into place immediately the superstructure is in place hence creating a weather tight structure more quickly rather than assembling the roof in situ (Corum Scotland 2010). Factory made dormers are used to speed up the roof watertight making process. Pre-fabricated lightweight chimney stacks made from factories are mounted on the roof structure without using masonry flue, thus making them suitable for construction of a lightweight frame. These chimney stacks can accommodate flue liners hence functioning with combustion appliances. Wiring looms                Cabling systems are manufactured in a way that they can quickly be assembled with relatively unskilled labour. They are made of various lengths terminated with plugs that are plugged into sockets and other electrical items (Quinn 2008). Standards are critical steps from development and research to marketplace adoption. Today, many industries are faced not only with managing technological development march, but also with pressures of how to do so cost-effectively, efficiently and with environmental and public safety being in mind. The appearance, energy efficiency, component materials and habitable structures’ environmental impacts have dramatically changed over the last few years. This is as a result of successful standardization of processes, new materials and technologies. This section provides a sample of more recently developed shows and construction technologies, which has been facilitated by provision of the needed standards by ASTM international’s technical committees. These standards have swept off technologies of new construction to the drawing board and into the currently built environment. A Building’s Skin                5488940117475Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) were used in Germany after WW II to resurface buildings that were damaged by the conflict ravages. They are lightweight, systems of multi-layer barrier that helps in keeping moisture from outer walls. With several components, from foam insulation panels fastened to the base and a substrate coat, to the finishing coat and reinforcing mesh, EIFS is a complex system with materials required to connect successfully for years so as to keep moisture at bay (Noble 2011). EIFS standards development has been the key role of ASTM international Committee E06 on buildings’ performance since 1990’s. Their subcommittee E06.58 on finishing systems and exterior insulation published its first EIFS standard, test methods used in determining breaking strength tensile of reinforcing mesh of glass fibre. This publication was for use in class PB finishing systems and exterior insulation, after it was exposed to sodium hydroxide solution in 2000. Stone masonry Veneer                548894093980The design freedom and cost savings offered by the products of stone masonry veneer have led to their increased use in architectural projects. In comparison to natural stone, manufactured stone veneers can be precisely colored, reinforced with steel, and have a predictable and durable life. The appearance consistency of the manufactured products makes repetitive use of materials as a trim or ornament economically feasible. Additionally, older structures can be renovated with manufactured veneer stones that replicate the deteriorating stone’s appearance (Gunn 2012). It is a technology in which sealant adhesives are used to attach the glass to a building. In the last 20years, structural glazing has experienced exponential growth. It has been in use in industrial construction and other city buildings all over the world. Wood-plastic Composites                Since 1990s, recycled plastic and wood waste has been used as environmentally friendly and economic alternatives for decks. Components such as cladding, railings, molding, siding and trim, door frames and window; and structures such as small park benches. Concrete, which have been in use for a long time in construction of roads and structures is developing in a way that make it less expensive, more varied, safer, easier use and even more environmentally friendly. For example, a self-consolidating concrete that flows into forms was proposed in 1980s’ theory by a Japanese scientist. It has recently become viable as it used in infrastructural projects around the world. It properties are achieved by applying high-range-water-reducing mixtures; it increases the total quantity of fines applying admixtures that modify its plastic state viscosity (Li 2011). The innovative building enclosures’ design relies less on past successful precedents than use of building science. This is a result of changes in methods and materials resulting from building innovation technology. Earlier building enclosures were only expected to provide a degree of environmental separation and be durable, but the recent structures must address issues like day lighting, energy efficiency, fire safety, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality and carbon footprint (Grondzik 2008). In half a century ago, wall performance requirements were outlined which are now applicable to all components and enclosure systems. The following are the major considerations that were identified: Rigidity and strength Control of heat flow Control of airflow Control of water vapour flow Liquid water control movement Durability and stability of materials Fire, aesthetic considerations and cost Since the time of Hutcheon, additional objectives such as environmental impact consideration associated with building materials and methods and the need to provide secure and safe buildings have been adopted. The acceptable requirements of wall performance were implicit within traditional materials and methods of construction. With the modern building science advent, they have become more explicit in response to technological innovation. The table below summarizes the requirements of contemporary performance and their corresponding assessment parameters. Moderator versus separator                A critical principle used in building science involves the difference between moderation versus environmental separation. For example, fire and smoke control movement is a strategy that attempts to completely separate fire and smoke from the indoor environment. The approach employs a fire-related assembly that fully controls leakage of smoke by virtue of the construction of its airtight and in some cases, the air pressures’ control between compartmentalized spaces. Moderation involves a strategy where the difference between outdoor and indoor severity environments is moderated within the tolerable threshold. For example, heat transfer control does not seek to minimize the rate to zero, but to a level that satisfies energy efficiency, comfort requirements, and the control of wetting/condensation. The following table summarizes the key control strategies for building enclosures’ design, which is involved in moderation strategy. A review of the corresponding control strategies and physical phenomena indicates the control of moisture migration is of the most important control function that needs to be addressed by designers. Problems of moisture in buildings are common and vary broadly in consequences and types. These consequences range from cosmetic flaws to structural failure and in some cases the occupants’ health can be affected adversely as in the case of mold growth leading to respiratory and allergic problems. 2.0 Range of construction forms 2.1 Provision and access of internal division of spaces within buildings                Service integration should be jointly considered by the architect/designer, service and structural engineers. The interface between the fabric and the structure together with the service installations can cause problems. These problems can be in terms of the need to have re-route services within the structural elements or the purpose of passing through those elements (Luraghi 2008). Both structural and non-structural integration methods should be considered. The following are some of the spaces and divisions that an architect needs to consider. They should be installed so as to provide access to a building roof. The installation and design of the anchorage and the attachment system for the ladders should be described in MMAH standard supplementary. Fuel-fired appliances should be installed in service rooms from the building’s remainder by fire separations with the fire rating resistance which is not less than one hour. A more than 600 mm high roof space needs to be provided with floor access immediately before the hatchway that is not less than 550 mm by 990 mm or by a stairway. It consists of duct spaces and ceiling, which is more than 600mm wide and 1200mm high, shall have inspection doors. It should not be less than 300mm in both vertical and horizontal dimensions placed so that the entire space or duct interior can be viewed (Kuzio 2009). A fabric is a material structure selection, engineering, proper design, installation and fabrication of all work together to ensure a sound structure (Foster 2010). The role of material in the structure’s performance makes the selection process important. This is true particularly with air-supported and tensile structures because their frames, as well as their membranes carry the load. Membrane materials                Fabrics are typically laminated and coated with synthetic materials for environmental resistance and greater strength. Most of the widely used materials are polyester coated or laminated with PVC, woven fiberglass that is coated with silicone or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Films, Meshes and other materials also have appropriate applications. Polyesters                It is the most frequently base material used due to its cost, durability, strength and stretch. They are coated or laminated with PVC films and thus they are the least expensive for long-term fabrications. Laminates consist of vinyl films over knitted or woven polyester meshes. Coated fabrics typically use a high-tensile, high-count coated fabric with a bondable substance at the base for extra strength. Lighter fabrics are commonly used insulated and acoustic liners suspended beneath an envelope of a structure. For long-term exterior application, heavier materials are needed: fabrics with top coatings of PVF or PVDF (Zhu 2011). These top coatings are responsible with providing a protective finish to withstand environmental degradation. Vinyl-coated polyester                It is a common fabric used when producing flexible structures, such as canopies, walkways, custom-designed awnings, smaller air-supported structures, tent hall and light member-framed structures (ManCuso 2012). Properties of building materials Group Properties Physical Shape, Density, Size, Specific Gravity etc., Mechanical Strength, Plasticity, Elasticity, Toughness, Hardness, Ductility, Brittleness, Stiffness, Creep, Impact Strength, Fatigue etc., Thermal Thermal conductivity, Thermal capacity, Thermal resistivity, etc., Chemical Corrosion resistance, Acidity, Chemical composition, Alkalinity etc., Optical Colour, Light transmission, Light reflection etc., Acoustical Sound absorption, Reflection and Transmission. Physiochemical Hygroscopicity, Swell and Shrinkage due to moisture changes 3.2 Comparison of materials/techniques used in construction                The use of steel in the residential construction and housing sector has grown rapidly over the last ten years. This has been facilitated due to the growing appreciation of the performance benefits arising from the nature of the off-site of the construction process, which is particularly important in mixed-use or urban buildings. Steel construction technologies of an off-site increase the speed of construction and improve the final quality of the building, and can add points to the Code for Sustainable Homes. The main steel market in this area is in multi-storey residential buildings, and mostly mix-use buildings. Domestic buildings versus industrial buildings                A building classified as domestic is one which an individual uses as a dwelling place and provides separate family living quarters for separate family units (Richardson 2008). On the other hand, building not used in connection with a residence and not located on the same parcel as a residence, it is classified as industrial property. Most of the industrial/commercial buildings have been using pre-fabricated construction such as ceiling panels, prefab wall panels, flooring system and plasterboards to create interiors of offices (Domone 2008). Prefab materials provide the option of buildings’ customizing for specific needs such as water and fire resistance and soundproofing. However, individual owners of homes have not yet gained enough confidence with prefab construction. This increases its demand for commercial spaces and from large developers but use by individuals in their homes is yet to gain popularity. 4.0 Critical review of how building structures perform                Organization structure may be considered the organization’s anatomy, providing the foundation in which the organization functions. Hall (1977) noted from simple observation that an organizational structure affects its members’ behavior. The particular building’s structure is a major determinant of the people’s activities within it. Hall suggested two basic functions of the structure each of which may affect organizational performance or individual behavior within the industry. First, they are designed at least to minimize or regulate individual variations influence on the organization (Brown and London 2000). Organizational structure is also the setting in which decisions are made, power is exercised, and organization’s activities carried out. Van de Ven (1976) highlighted the structure’s importance both at the subunit levels and the organization for the performance of organizations. Conclusion                Construction technology produces goods and provides services at the same time. The construction process is having low predictability and is highly uncertain. Many intermediate items are integrated and created by human operations with low standardization, mechanization and automation. The benefits of construction technology include high flexibility, zero stock, and satisfactory social needs. As these benefits appreciated, industry that is responsible with construction should consider improving integration of construction job site activities. Thus, we should examine and understand the construction technology fundamentally before successive e-construction programs and construction automation. References Altenbach, H. (2013). Advanced materials modeling for structures. Berlin: Springer. Brophy, V., Lewis, J. O. (2011). 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Cross Cultural Studies Essay Example for Free

Cross Cultural Studies Essay Beauty, is anything that appeals, and is incorporated in current fads and trends of the area. Its features drastically vary across the globe where antagonizing manners are adopted. Obesity is such an example, where in the west, obesity is shunned, and admonished, and on the contrary, in the African countries, obesity lures and is considered to be a blessing, exhibiting richness. Beauty may be skin deep, but there are cases when such becomes a paradox. Obesity is not just about the weight, or the physical and genetic rationalities we can derive from it. Obesity can also be derived from its psychological roots. What is obesity and how it affects the reputation, personality, or even the attitude towards it varies across cultures as mentioned earlier. In this paper, obesity is seen as good and wanted physiological trait, compared with as a social cancer plaguing the health in most Western countries. RESEARCH FINDINGS Norimitsu Onish (2001), in his article entitled, ‘On the scale of Beauty, weight weights heavily’, has explained in a formidable manner the craze obesity has amongst teenage girls in Nigeria. He has depicted the ways ladies will employ to go beyond their means so as to become fat, and conducts market surveys determining which types of steroids, pills or chemicals they would use. The paper explains how obese women are idealized and looked up onto. Onish indicates that women would tend to consume harmful chemical to gain fatty tissues, and have become so obsessed with becoming fat, that they would go to ‘fattening farms’ and get massaged weeks before their weddings. Likewise, some of the poorer women would consume animal feed in order to get fat and become attractive, as they cannot afford the rich foods. Historically, fleshy African women were considered well endowed financially, because they can afford food, are healthy and fertile. Women in African culture are revered to as the food provider, the one who plants and supplies food in the community. A fleshy African woman connotes someone from an affluent family or perhaps a potential good provider for her family. The heavy African woman was valued and held in high esteem. However, it is important to note that African women labored diligently, working sun up to sun down, and their laborious tasks were not conducive to being big. The arduous work kept African women basically on the thin side (Johnson and Broadnax, 2003). STRATIFICATION: Stratification is an integral part of a community and society that occurs due to a division in the classes which is determined by the economic situation of the household or community. This horizontal stratum is also prevalent among some countries which have a male dominant society, on the pretext of religion. This has been depicted in Onish’s article, where obese women are a status symbol, exhibiting their resources, and that they belong to well to do families, compromising their health in this way. A very good example is quoted explaining how a girl since the age of 11 years, was forced to become obese on the pretext of getting a ‘good match’, and now she suffers from hip dislocation, and bone disorders, as it has become difficult to carry herself around. Culturally, being large was not customary. In the African view, women who are fleshy, had hips, and a voluptuous body are the women to marry. Body size was also perceived to make them excellent mothers. African women who are large have more adipose tissue, and were perceived to carry a fetus to full term and suspend for some time the effects of starvation should there be scarcity of food (Johnson and Broadnax, 2003). In a class lecture by Mead back in 1974, culture was defined as the transmission of values and behaviors and concepts. It is the way one eats, the way one walks, and the way one raises a child. In Africa, the cultural level was subtle for little girls to learn that African men and families values large women and was highly acceptable. But being voluptuous was deemed in a different way when slaves were transported to the new world. African women then were viewed and even designated to be breeders and has a duty to give birth as many times as her owner wants to. Alex Haley documented this in his book by relating how large African women beats slave children and hands them to a slave owner as a sexual prize (Johnson and Broadnax, 2003). In another article, ‘Culture: A sociological view’, Becker (Becker, 1982) explains the significance of culture in a society and how it is regularly modified in order to meet the modern fashion and fad. Culture is being regularly changed, and newer versions of principles and practices are adopted. Likewise, stratification in terms of race and gender is also now being diluted, as a sense of equality is prevalent within most of the societies across the globe. A society is organized by its cultural values, which is the essence to its development, and thus although newer concepts are adopted, older principles should not be ignored and should be passed onto generations in order to preserve a society’s cultural heritage. The gradual changes in society together with the culture in which one grows takes generations. There are a few and core cultural traits which are passed on from one generation to another, preserved in families, despite the many changes that are constantly happening. In the sociological context, this also reflects how society influences the individual’s views and perceptions with the many changes happening around him/her. At some point, the person knows what his culture is inherently, but also adjusts to fit in and cope up with the many cultural changes in our societies. CROSS CULTURAL STUDIES: Cross cultural studies was a very interesting subject that depicts the various anthropologies around the globe. The primary essence in this study is an element of tolerance which various ethnic groups have to incur so as to accommodate and intermingle with various cultural set ups. A united stand in which people from entirely different cultures will team up and constructive serve towards the progress and development of a society is prevalent in most countries. A good example is depicted by the people of Malaysia, in which various ethnic groups coexist and play their respective roles in order to make Malaysia one of the most rapidly developed nation in the past decade, and it is now a role model for others to follow. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism coexist and temples are built right next to mosques and churches, where people go shoulder to shoulder to preach in tolerance and harmony. The same can be derived when slaves where transported to the New World. As African women became sexual prizes to their owners, some Westerner has fathered a child, and bore an African-American child. In the existing culture, being thin is in. Bulimia and anorexia has become an epidemic amongst teens and younger women because of the images of thin women being cultivated in the new society. The cross cultural examination between how women in Africa in comparison with African-American women view obesity is different and is a reflection of how views and perception change over time and across cultures. CONCLUSION: Culture differ across the globe, meeting the geographical requirements of a region, these can vary and be contrary, like the case of obesity, which is endeavored by some, and admonished by other societies, like the westerners. Likewise, cultural set ups are modified and changed in order to meet modern day requirements, and simultaneously maintaining and preserving the ancient cultural values that have been passed on. Similarly, cross cultural set ups also do exist, and various ethnic groups coexist and serve proactively for the development and progress of nations, thus exhibiting discipline, unity and tolerance. REFERENCES: Becker H. (1982) Culture: A Sociological View, Yale Review, September 2, , 71:513-527 Johnson, R. W. and Broadnax, P. A (2003). A perspective on obesity analysis of trend of obesity in African-American women. ABNF Journal. Onish N. (2001) Maradi Journal: On the Scale of Beauty, Weight Weighs Heavily New York Times dated Feb 12

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Critical Review of Henkel (2014)

Critical Review of Henkel (2014) Review of â€Å"Point and shoot memories: The influence of taking photos on memory for a museum tour† by Henkel Introduction In psychology, it is important to review literature critically. Questions require to be asked of all research, both prior and subsequent to publishing. Matters such as justification for the research, the approach taken to carry out the research, the results of the research and its generalizability all require to be examined in order to establish whether the findings are worthwhile and reliable. This essay will take such an approach and critically analyse a recent study carried out by Henkel (2014). The article, published in Psychological Science, will be reviewed with any shortcomings addressed and suggestions made for improvement. Overview of paper Henkel (2014)suggests that photography is a common pastime, with more than three billion photographs having been taken in 2012. Citing a variety of evidence, Henkel (2014) suggests that the review of photographs can assist with the retrieval and activation of memories. This applies to both healthy individuals (Hodges, Berry, Wood, 2011) as well as people with specific pathologies (Berry et al., 2007; Loveday Conway, 2011). With the foregoing in mind, it is proposed that research to date has not elucidated how the conscious taking of a photograph affects the subsequent memory of what has been captured. The hypothesis proposed is two-tailed and suggests that memory performance following the taking of a photograph will either be improved, or impaired. In order to investigate this question, Henkel carried out two relatively simple experiments in which participants were required to carry out a visit to a museum. In the first experiment, participants were divided into two separate groups and requested to either view or take photographs of specific objects in the museum, such that all objects were both viewed and photographed once. Subsequent to the visit, participants were given an assessment of their memory for both the location of the objects and the objects themselves by means of a free recall test, followed by a recall test based on a list of object names. In addition to the object name recall test, participants were required to indicate their confidence in the accuracy of their responses. Finally, a recall test was administered to participants based on photographs of objects. Across all recall tests, participants were required to indicate whether the object in question had been observed, photographed or had not been part of the tour. Results suggest that photographing an object has a negative impact on a person’s memory for that object, although participants could remember whether an object had been photographed or viewed at better than chance levels. Participants were, however, better at remembering objects from a photographic cue, as opposed to a name cue. Following the first experiment, some further questions were raised in connection with the procedure and a second experiment took place with a view to clarifying these. The procedure in the second experiment was broadly similar, although objects on the tour were split into three groups requiring them to be photographed in full, in part, or viewed, such that all objects were photographed in full, in part and viewed once. The post-visit memory tests administered to participants were similar, with the exception that participants did not participate in the free recall test. In the name recall test, participants were required to answer two questions about the object and in the event that a specific part of the object had been photographed, a question was asked about that part, as well as a more general question about the object. Results replicated those of the first experiment, in that there was an impairment effect of taking a photograph generally, as well as the previous observation that memory for whether an object had been photographed or viewed was better than chance. In contrast, when an object had a specific part photographed, memory for that part , as well as the object more generally, was improved. Methodological comments Participants In experiment 1, it is noted that two thirds of participants had indicated a previous visit to the museum in question, although not within the month prior to the experiment. No such note is made in respect of the participants in experiment 2. This may be an oversight, or it may be that all of the participants in experiment 2 are, in fact, naà ¯ve participants. In the event that this is an oversight, the simplest resolution would have been to insert a line in the original manuscript to identify how many participants in experiment 2 had previously visited the museum. In the event that all participants in experiment 2 were naà ¯ve, it may prove problematic when comparing the two experiments. Ideally, all participants in this sort of experiment should be naà ¯ve, as a previous visit to the museum may give those participants a memory advantage over those who have not visited. It is unclear how this may have affected the results of the experiments, but future experiments of this nature may look to deal with participants with a previous experience by using a quasi-experimental design (Bryman, 2008). Such a design would allow for participants’ previous experience to be catered for, although the negative impact of such a design is that causality cannot be fully inferred from the results (Bryman, 2008). Method of recording accuracy of memory recall When recording participants’ responses in experiment 1, a free recall test was used initially, followed by tests to measure recall prompted by a name or a photograph. The photograph prompt recall task is well explained in the paper and does not require attention here. Unfortunately, detail relating to the free recall task is slightly less clear. Participants were requested to recall the names of objects on the museum tour, indicating whether they had been observed or photographed. Where an object name could not be remembered, participants were requested to write a brief description of the object. The major issue with this particular aspect of the experiment is that no detail is provided in respect of how the descriptive element of this task was assessed. In the circumstances, it may have been a better option to have only graded responses dichotomously, ensuring that responses where the participant cannot remember the object are graded as such. This appears to be how the data h as been coded here, although no information is provided in respect of a cut off point for remembered or forgotten where the name cannot be remembered by the participant. In respect of the named recall task, there appears to be no requirement for participants to grade their confidence in the accuracy of their responses, as this data is neither referred to anywhere else in the paper, nor statistically analysed. It is unclear why this particular task was required as the paper makes no reference to participants’ confidence in their memories. As the task does not appear to be completed in experiment 2, one could ponder whether it was actually necessary for experiment 1. Suitability of statistical tests It is well documented that the ANOVA omnibus test is not suitable for data which are proportional in nature due to the fact that the data is restricted by fixed boundaries of 0 and 1 and the error does not follow a normal distribution, amongst other reasons (Crawley, 2005; Field, 2009). In Henkel’s (2014) study, the data in both experiments is measured by way of response frequency which is subsequently converted to proportions. It would appear that an ANOVA is therefore not the most appropriate statistical test. In order to rectify this issue, there are three possibilities. The first possibility is to transform the data, using a procedure such as the arc sine transformation, which has the effect of normalising the error distribution (Crawley, 2005). Transforming the data makes it more appropriate for use in an ANOVA, although care still requires to be taken with interpretation of results. It is not clear from Henkel’s (2014) article whether a transformation has been car ried out on the data and on the basis that it is not noted in the article, it must be assumed that no such transformation has been completed. In the event that a transformation has been carried out on the data, the article should have a note to this effect in order to avoid confusion for the reader. A second proposal to deal with the data would be to carry out a logistic regression, which is a suitable method to use on binomially distributed data, such as proportional data (Crawley, 2005; Field, 2009). Using a logistic regression would allow the researched to make predictions about the impact of taking photographs on subsequent memory, however it would not allow inferences of causality to be drawn. In addition, problems with generalisability of results would also arise, as a logistic regression is not assumed to be valid for predictions which do not apply to the dataset (Crawley, 2005; Field, 2009). The final suggestion for rectification of the problems with statistical procedure is to avoid using proportional data altogether and measure simple response frequencies. This would require a change in the statistical test used for the experiments to the chi-squared test for independence (Pearson, 1900). Again, the main issue with this course of action is that it would no longer be po ssible for the experiment to indicate causality, as the chi-squared test is correlational in nature. Nonetheless, this may be an appropriate course of action with a view to prompting further research in relation to memory for items which have been photographed and the causal effect of taking such photographs. General comments Introduction The introduction is concise and follows a clear, coherent structure. The reasons for the research question and subsequent experiment are clearly detailed. Experiment 1 Aside from the issues identified in the previous section, the methods section is clear, coherent and concise. Whilst not everything required for a replication is included, with some minor additions, the relevant information would be available. At the foot of the results and discussion section (p.398), results of a Source x Retrieval Cue ANOVA are reported without any statistics quoted. The statistics are reported in respect of an interaction, but not for the main effects. It may be that the main effects are not statistically significant, however, for the purposes of clarity, it would be better for them to be reported here. Experiment 2 The rationale behind experiment 2 follows on from experiment 1. The background is clearly and concisely laid out and seems logical. Other than the issues noted previously in respect of methodology, no further problems are noted in respect of the methods applied in the experiment. General discussion In the final paragraph of the general discussion (p. 401) the results are discussed outwith the parameters of the experiments in, one would assume, an attempt to generalise the results more widely. The final sentence appears to make a claim relating to interacting with photos and the effect of interaction on memory. Whilst previous evidence is referred to, it is not clear how this assertion can be made from the results of this experiment, as no attempts were made to show the effect of interaction with photographs on memory. It may be that this conclusion should be revised in order to make a better fit with the results of the experiment. Conclusion In summary, this study appears to be novel and timely, following from and adding to recent research findings. There is a defined gap in the literature in relation to the focus of the study which could be addressed by it. In addition the study may provoke future research into photographs and memory in the social environment, outwith the scenario of a museum visit, which will allow further generalisation of the findings. Despite the issues identified in relation to methodology, the article is well written and the research generally well designed. With a few minor tweaks in relation to statistical tests and provision of further information for the purposes of replication, the article could be improved further. Nonetheless, this series of experiments is novel, appropriate, timely, and adds to the current understanding of memory in relation to photographs more generally. References Berry, E., Kapur, N., Williams, L., Hodges, S., Watson, P., Smyth, G., †¦ Wood, K. (2007). The use of a wearable camera, SenseCam, as a pictorial diary to improve autobiographical memory in a patient with limbic encephalitis: A preliminary report. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 17, 582–601. Bryman, A. (2008). Social Research Methods (3rd Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crawley, M. J. (2005). Statistics: An Introduction Using R. Chichester: Wiley. Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (3rd Ed.). London: Sage. Henkel, L. A. (2014). Point-and-shoot memories: the influence of taking photos on memory for a museum tour. Psychological Science, 25, 396–402. Hodges, S., Berry, E., Wood, K. (2011). SenseCamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯: A wearable camera which stimulates and rehabilitates autobiographical memory. Memory, 19, 685–696. Loveday, C., Conway, M. A. (2011). Using SenseCam with an amnesic patient: Accessing inaccessible everyday memories. Memory, 19, 697–704. Pearson, K. (1900). On the criterion that a given system of deviations from the probable in the case of a correlated system of variables is such that it can be reasonably supposed to have arisen from random sampling. Philosophical Magazine, 50(5), 157–175.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Erstwhile :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confessions of an Erstwhile Child is an essay which analyses the concept of the nuclear family. At first the author explains the ideas of Thomas More’s Utopia, but afterwards narrows his content by going into explaining his thoughts on children raised in dysfunctional families. He very cleverly shows the reader part family model’s with current ones, allowing his audience to make the decision for themselves. His tone is a logical philosophical. The reader is told of his depressing childhood growing up in a dysfunctional family, and how it had a profound effect upon his life. The author uses his own personal experience and knowledge to express his opinions on his topic, but really doesn’t use much inference to other cases or factual evidence to back up his argument. All and all, the author wrote an essay which would prove to be thought provoking and well organized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this first paragraph, the author battles with a commonly held belief that children are the â€Å"property† of their parents for a certain amount of time in their lives. The author constructs upon the topic slowly by disclosing his problem with the idea of children as property, only to bring his own life experiences into count by explaining his adolescence with a dysfunctional family. By bringing in his personal experiences, the author is in some sense considered an authority figure on the topic of a child’s life with a dysfunctional family. He compares the concept of parental custody with apprenticeship, and he puts it all together by creating a practical solution to the problem. His true thesis sentence is seen in the last paragraph where he says, â€Å"We have invested far too heavily in the unproved â€Å"equity† called the nuclear family; that stock is about to crash and we ought to being finding escape options† (p 196). By gradu ally giving the reader background info on the problems of the modern dysfunctional family, and then stating the thesis at the end, he very clearly gets his argument across. The author clearly shows how his childhood effected his adulthood, making in a living example of what he is writing about allowing the audience to more easily trust what he is writing about. Instead of using factually evidence from other dysfunctional family incidences, the author decides to make it more personal, by using his own life and comparing family ideas of the past to the present.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Violence On Television: Violence Is Everywhere Essay -- essays researc

Violence on Television: Violence is Everywhere " I never learned which party was victorious, nor the cause of the war, But I felt for the rest of that day, as if I had had my feelings excited and harrowed by witnessing the struggle..." (Henry David Thoreau) These days our whole life seems to revolve around violence. There are so many channels on TV that advocate violence on a daily basis. Sports that we see every Sunday stir up aggressiveness and bring anger to a high level. Around school conflicts seem to occur frequently. We get excited whenever we come across these situations and sometimes don't know what caused the ordeal in the first place but nevertheless it grabs us and we become involved, mentally and/or physically. The television set is a virtual fire hose of violenc...

Wet Seal :: essays research papers fc

Wet Seal started as a bikini shack in Newport Beach, CA in 1962. By the mid 1980’s they were known for offering trendy clothes to the most fashionable customers in Orange County. Wet Seal sold the right merchandise at the right time, and by 1995 they had enough capitol to buy 237 Contempo Casual stores from the Neiman Marcus Group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Wet Seal went public in 1996 they realized they needed a marketplace for 20-35 year old females with a more contemporary look. With that thought, then CEO, Kathy Bronstein, created Arden B. The venue was named after her daughter. Also in 2001, Wet Seal Inc., felt the need for a venue just for the â€Å"tween market,† girls five to 12 years old. They bought out 18 Zutopia store units from Gymboree, Inc. The store also expanded in 2001 by buying a majority of the Contempo Casual stores, and later merged web sites with Contempo Casuals that created one of the largest junior driven sites in the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As like every retail organization, Wet Seal Inc., has seen the best and worst during their years in business. With the 9/11 tragedy and other natural disasters, the nation’s economy had seen better days. Wet Seal Inc. stuck it out with Kathy Bronstein behind the wheel, and in late 2001 sales increased into the double digits, and stock was up 61% for the year. A vendor partner stated, â€Å" She’s one of the greatest merchants I know in the industry...she lives, eats, and breathes this junior business.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After two years of plummeting sales, and comments that they’ve â€Å"lost touch with the thrifty, fashion obsessed teens,† Wet Seal Inc. hired a new chief executive, Peter Whitford.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Peter Whitford was the former president of Walt Disney’s Disney Store operations. He also brought a talented team with him that included fashion designer, Victor Alfaro, and a teen-marketing expert, Anne Kallin Zehren. To get good output for their new line, Zehren came up with an idea to hire 11 stylizers to speak freely about Wet Seal fashions. â€Å"We’re having fashionable teens help us out,† Zehren states, and also adding that she hoped to recruit 50 stylizers by the end of the year. The stylizers are supposed to appear in ads, and add more appeal to the new clothing line.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marketing experts agreed with the idea of hiring every day girls as fashion muses, but they also stated that Wet Seal has to be really committed to this new idea.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analyse the considerations that regulate when an athlete returns to play after an injury Essay

The considerations that regulate when an athlete is able to return to play after an injury includes indicators or readiness to return to play, monitoring progress, psychological readiness, specific warm up procedures, return to play policies and procedures as well as ethical considerations. It is imperative that an athlete’s injury has recovered, their fitness and skills are close to pre-injury levels and also that their confidence in their injury is 100%. Training pain free and having full mobility return to the injured site are clear indicators of readiness for return to play. In order to measure an athlete’s readiness after returning from an injury they must go through various physical tests to test their fitness and basic skills needed to perform in their sport. For example, a netballer returning from an injured ankle would be tested on her agility through drills including side stepping and dogging. Her match fitness could be tested in a practice game situation at training provided she is pain free and has complete mobility. Monitoring progress through both pre-tests and post-tests is essential to an athletes recovery in order to determine if they have or have not gained the necessary fitness and skills after injury. Ongoing tests, discussions between athlete and physio, visual observations of the athlete and video footage are all means which may be used to appropriately measure the athlete’s progress. Thus, appropriate pre and post tests can significantly help trainers to evaluate and develop particular training programs that will help to athlete return to play quicker after an injury. E.g A swimmer could monitor their progress of an injured arm by measuring the range of movement pre and post training. An athlete’s psychological can be effectively measured by discussions between the athlete, coach and sports psychologist, visual observations and anxiety levels. An athlete returning to sport before they’re psychologically ready can lead to fear, anxiety, re-injury, depression and a decrease in performance. For example, a 100m sprinter who tore his hamstring from jumping out of the blocks may find it psychologically tough to reach their maximum force produced pre-injury. An injured athlete may need to go through a more specific warm up and stretching routine in order to achieve maximum recovery and minimise the chance or re-injury. Thus, extra care and time at the injured site is crucial to ensuring that adequate blood flow, increased flexibility and readiness to perform occur. E.g A soccer player may need to do their own specific warm up program set by their physio separate to the team. Return to play policies and procedures vary with sports, as they may be determined by overall governing bodies or by individual sporting clubs. However, coaches, sports administrators and sports medicine practitioners play a vital role in establishing guidelines for when an injured athlete can return or wether they can play with the injury. For example, a water polo player may need to get their pectoral injury cleared by their team physio in order play. Ethical considerations play a vital role in determining when an athlete returns to play. Athletes ask themselves, ‘When is the right time to play?’ Unfortunately, there are internal and external pressures such as temptation, fear of losing their position on the team, pressure from sponsors and media as well as boredom, sometimes luring them into returning to play before they’re ready. Thus, this could easily lead to an athlete using painkillers or similar drugs from rapid advances in drug technology, in order to continue playing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

College Management System Essay

Corepro Soft is a high-end riotous started in 2004 as f wholly in of diversification plans of the group to migrate into IT to fulfill the spheric destiny of IT labours. At the helm of personal matters it has unafraid practiced team to breach and manage soft wargons and bring ons strong buy at for large corporations worldwide. We relieve oneself built a reputation for professional relationships and a long- term carg unitaryr path, in unfinished contrast to traditional, nomadic consulting reckon. We develops soft w atomic number 18s based on Java, J2EE, J2ME, Oracle, C++, ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQL, PHP, AJAX, MYSQL and Embedded plat class to fulfill whatsoever technical do of import. Several forward-looking(prenominal) developners nation altogethery to serve the deals of companies all oer the world. VisionWe are committed to be a truly global memorial tablet in providing IT services by Upholding the honor pution and pas sequence ethical channel practices. We co me across Customer satisfaction plot of ground encouraging team participation by existence an employer of Choice.MissionWe are peerless of the fastest growing, world-class and reputed providers of data technologarithmy services and solutions. Its mission is to cooperate track global corporations Create and sustain a competitive advantage. As a legitimate Global Organization, We offer its clients, partners and employees a wealth of cross-cultural expertise and knowledge to ensure a return on investment, sustainable and profitable long-term growth.PURPOSE OF THE establishmentEXISTING governanceThe dust starts with enrolment of raw provide and students. When the subjects are to be allocated to the competency, the Head of the Department should work out everything in the travel by sheets. Then the module enterscomparable subjects attendance and tag of a student thus those essential overly be entered in the leap out sheets and validations are to be done by the substa nce ab drug exploiter itself. So thither impart be a lot of compute to be done and must be to a greater extent conscious during the entrance of enlarge. So, more risk is involved.PROBLEMS IN THE EXISTING SYSTEMStoring and accessing the data in the form of Excel sheets and account books is a tedious work. It requires a lot of laborious work. It may practically yield undesired results. Maintaining these records as hemorrhoid may turn out to be a personifylier task than every other of the colleges and institutionsRisks involved in be organization of rulesPresent System is time-consuming and also results in lack of determineting un scotch results. Some of the risks involved in the expose governance areDuring the entrance of tag and attendance, if any mistake is done at a point, then this becomes cumulative and leads to unseemly consequences If there is any need to recuperate results it may seem to be strong to search.PROPOSED SYSTEMUMS (UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) makes management to get the most modifyd instruction everlastingly by avoiding manual accounting plow. This placement has the hobby functional divisions. University AdministratorCollege Administrator exploiter (Students / Faculties)University Administrator has the functionality of registering new colleges and blood lines. College Administrator has the rights of creating department, allocating descents to departments, creating faculties, students and allocating subjects to faculties, and modifications in the data entered by the user tail end also be done by the college administrator. exploiter of this may be faculty or students. Faculty has the facility of go into the attach and attendance of the students. Students mass play off their marks and attendance notwithstanding there is no chance of modifications. Reports must be generated for the brisk data i.e. for attendance and marks of the students, which are usedto assess the surgical procedure of the students. These rep orts should be viewed by the in rushing and user.INTRODUCTIONAfter analyzing the fatalitys of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the enigma and understand its context. The inaugural activity in the cast is theatreing the existing system and other is to understand the demands and dobriny of the new system. Both the activities are equally important, but the first activity serves as a basis of giving the functional stipulations and then successful design of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and emergencys of a new system is more vexed and requires creative thinking and understanding of existing running system is also difficult, ill-timed understanding of present system tin lead diversion from solution.ANALYSIS prototypeThe model that is basically being followed is the pissing FALL MODEL, which states that the word forms are organized in a linear order. First of all the feasibility study is done. Once that part is over the requirement a nalysis and lying-in planning begins. The design starts later on the requirement analysis is complete and the coding begins later the design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the interrogatory is done. In this model the sequence of activities performed in a software instruction purpose are Requirement Analysis view PlanningSystem design spot designCodingUnit scrutinySystem integration & examhither the linear ordering of these activities is critical. End of the phase and the turnout of one phase is the input signal of other phase. The railroad siding of eachphase is to be consistent with the overall requirement of the system. Some of the qualities of spiral model are also incorporated like afterward the people implicated with the project look back completion of each of the phase the work done. WATER FALL MODEL was being chosen because all requirements were cognise ahead and the object lens of our software suppuration is the figurerization/automation of an already existing manual working system.Fig 2.2 Water come Modelfeasibleness STUDY earlier investigation examine project feasibility, the likeliness the system will be profitable to the organization. The principal(prenominal) objective of the feasibility study is to test the expert, practicable and stintingal feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running system. all(prenominal) system is feasible if they are infinite resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the exploratory investigation Technical Feasibilityoperating(a) FeasibilityEconomical Feasibility good FEASIBILITYTechnical Feasibility centers on the existing computer system hardware, software, etc. and to some extent how it tooshie support the proposed addition. This involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements. Technical support is also a causa for the success of the project. The techniques needed for the system should be avai lable and it must be sensible to use. Technical Feasibility is mainly concerned with the study of function, performance, and constraints that may affect the qualification to achieve the system. By conducting an efficient technical feasibility we need to ensure that the project works to solve the existing problem area. Since the project is designed with ASP.NET with C as Front end and SQL legion 2000 as Back end, it is docile to install in all thesystems wherever needed. It is more efficient, easy and user-friendly to understand by most everyone. Huge amount of data force out be handled efficiently using SQL master of ceremonies as back end. thusly this project has good technical feasibility practicable FEASIBILITYPeople are inherently instant to permute and computers ask been known to facilitate change. An estimate should be do to how strong a reaction the user staff is likely to conduct towards the development of the computerized system. The staff is accustomed to comput erized systems. These kinds of systems are proper more common day by day for evaluation of the software engineers. Hence,this system is operationally feasible. As this system is technically, economically and operationally feasible, this system is judged feasible.ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITYThe role of interface design is to hold the differences that prevail among the software engineers design model, the designed system put together the end user requirement with economical way at minimal follow within the affordable price by encouraging more of proposed system. Economic feasibility is concerned with comparing the development follow with the income/benefit derived from the authentic system. In this we need to derive how this project will help the management to take effective decisions.Economic Feasibility is mainly concerned with the approach incurred in the implementation of the software. Since this project is developed using ASP.NET with C and SQL Server which is more commonly avai lable and even the cost involved in the installation process is not high. Similarly it is easy to move into persons for operating the software since almost all the people are aware of ASP.NET with C and SQL Server. Even if we want to train the persons in these area the cost involved in training is also very less. Hence this project has good economic feasibility.The system once developed must be used efficiently. Otherwise there is nomeaning for developing the system. For this a paying attention study of the existing system and its drawbacks are needed. The user should be able to tick off the existing one and proposed one, so that one must be able to prize the characteristics of the proposed system, the manual one is not passing reliable and also is considerably fast. The proposed system is efficient, reliable and also quickly responding.S/w and H/w requirements1. surroundServersOperating System Server Microsoft Windows 2000 or HigherData Base Server Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2 005Clients Microsoft Internet Explorer,Tools Microsoft Visual studio apartment .NetUser Interface ASP.NET with AJAXCode rear end VC.NET2. RequirementsHardware requirementsNumberverbal verbal description1PC with 2 GB hard-diskand 256 MB RAMSoftware requirementsNumberDescription1Windows 2000/ XP/ or Higher with MS-office2.MS-SQL server2000/20053.Ms-Visual studio .Net 20054.Ms-Internet ExplorerINPUT AND OUTPUTSThe study inputs and end products and major functions of the system are followsInputsUniversity Administrator enter his user id and password for login to authenticate in this system University Administrator creates the college .While readjustment Colleges can able to provide their training like1. College id2. College name3. Address Information of college4. Password for the collegeAdministrator can create the versatile college details in this networksite. Registered colleges and staff need to submit their log in information for change their password. For inquisitory Colleg e details guest need to choose the colleges or search college option for user interface. For searching a college a guest can choose search college option. For upload their deatails a college must login to their profile For demo they have to view the reports.OutputsAdministrator can have his own al-Qaida page. Colleges ans staff and student have their own home page after completion of the documentation process. Admin get all colleges and staff and course details.The registered users data can be stored in centralized database through with(predicate) the system user interface. Various types of information can be displayed to the users like colleges, courses and course subjects etc After successful submission of log in information users can got their new password. Profile can be update by the users individually.PROCESS MODEL employ WITH JUSTIFICATIONACCESS CONTROL FOR information WHICH REQUIRE USER AUTHENTICAIONThe following didacticss deposit access control identifiers and they are typically used to authorize and authenticate the user ( dominate codes are shown in parentheses)USER plant (USER)The user identification is that which is required by the server for access to its file system. This command will normally be the first command transmitted by the user after the control connections are make (some servers may require this).PASSWORD (PASS)This command must be immediately preceded by the user name command, and, for some sites, completes the users identification for access control. Since password information is quite sensitive, it is desirable in general to mask it or persecute type out..System Requirements SpecificationThe software, rate Explorer is designed for management of web sites from a remote location. Purpose The main purpose for preparing this document is to give a general insight into the analysis and requirements of the existing system or situation and for determine the operating characteristics of the system. Scope This Document plays a vi tal role in the development life cycle (SDLC) and it describes the complete requirement of the system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes do to the requirements in the future will have to go through formal change approval process.Developers Responsibilities OverviewThe developer is responsible forDeveloping the system, which meets the SRS and resolution all the requirements of the system? Demonstrating the system and put the system at clients location after the acceptance testing is successful. Submitting the required user manual describing the system interfaces to work on it and also the documents of the system. Conducting any user training that might beneeded for using the system. Maintaining the system for a period of one year after installation.Output shapeOutputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of touch on to users. They are also used to provides a permanent copy of the resul ts for later consultation. The various types of outputs in general are foreign Outputs, whose depot is outside the organization. Internal Outputs whose destination is within organization and they are the Users main interface with the computer.Operational outputs whose use is purely within the computer department. Interface outputs, which involve the user in communicating directly.Output DefinitionThe outputs should be defined in terms of the following pointsType of the outputContent of the outputFormat of the outputLocation of the outputFrequency of the outputVolume of the outputSequence of the outputIt is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. It should be determined as which form of the output is the most suitable.Output MediaIn the next stage it is to be decided that which medium is the most appropriate for the output. The main considerations when deciding about the output media are The suitability for the device to the particular applicatio n. The need for a hard copy.The response time required.The location of the usersThe software and hardware available. tutelage in view the above description the project is to have outputs mainly approach under the category of internal outputs. The main outputs desired according to the requirement specification are The outputs were needed to be generated as a hot copy and as well as queries to be viewed on the screen. Keeping in view these outputs, the format for the output is taken from the outputs, which are before long being obtained after manual processing. The tired printer is to be used as output media for hard copies.Input DesignInput design is a part of overall system design. The main objective during the input design is as addicted belowTo produce a efficient method of input.To achieve the highest possible direct of accuracy.To ensure that the input is acceptable and dumb by the user.